To help build awareness around drowning and at the same time raise funds towards the cause, the Law Office of Israel Fermin in partnership with Loan Officer Sebastian Cordoba from Seacoast Mortgage, are dedicating their July Golf Fundraiser to The Manny 267 Foundation.
About the Manny 267 Foundation:
On Friday, June 4th, 2021, Officer Enmanuel ‘Manny’ Familia responded to a 911 call for a drowning of 14-year-old boy, Troy Love, in Green Hill Pond in Worcester, Massachusetts. Unfortunately, Officer Familia and Troy Love did not make it out of the water alive.
The Manny 267 Foundation was created by the Familia Family to spread awareness around the hazards of drowning and provide water safety training to both civil servants and civilians. The mission of the Manny 267 Foundation is to raise donations to provide Manny Tubes to police departments and water safety training and swimming lessons for children to prevent drowning.
For more about the Manny 267 Foundation visit http://267foundation.org
According to the CDC
- More children ages 1–4 die from drowning than any other cause of death except birth defects
- Drowning happens in seconds and is often silent
- Drowning can happen to anyone, any time there is access to water
- Drowning can be prevented by learning basic swimming and water safety skills
- Formal swimming lessons can reduce the risk of drowning
For more information on drowning prevention visit https://www.cdc.gov/drowning/prevention/index.html
Event Contact:
Attorney, Israel Fermin
Phone: (774)413-0272
Email: israel@attorneyisraelfermin.com
Loan Officer, Sebastian Cordoba
Email: sebastian@seacostmortgage.com
Businesses contributing can make check payable directly to: The Manny 267 Foundation. Check must be mailed to:
Law Office of Israel Fermin
617 Mill street
Suite 1A
Worcester, MA 01602
We ask that you please consider sponsoring this event. In return for your sponsorship, we will provide both digital and in-person advertising opportunities to help increase your business’s exposure. We will do this by showcasing your organization’s support in all our event’s advertising flyers, social media content, as well as having your organization represented during the event via the use of promotional lawn signs at corresponding holes throughout the golf course.